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Cuban celebrations

Cuba is a really Catholic and fun place. 
So it´s normal they have a lot of celebrations. 
The most important religious celebration is the "peregrinación" 
The pilgrimage to the San Lázaro temple on the outskirts of Havana is the most important religious activity in Cuba. Maximum expression of syncretism, summoning tens of thousands of Cubans Catholics and Santeros every December 16 and 17, most of them doing penance in payment of some miracle granted by the old Lazaro.

The carnivals

They are the traditional Cuban festivals that have their antecedents in the celebrations celebrated by the Hispanics and their descendants. It has own elements such as costumes, floats, comparsas, and parades among others.
In the capital, they were celebrated around the three days before Lent. 
The most popular are those of Santiago de Cuba, Camagüey and Havana; In the first, almost all the comparsas originated in French tombs and African cabildos due to the French cultural influence.

Las parrandas y charangas
 They are another type of traditional festival that has many points in common with carnivals by the use of floats and changüies. The best known are those of Remedios in the province of Villa Clara and those of Bejucal in Havana but they are also celebrated in Sancti Spíritus and in Ciego de Avila.In them, the population is divided into neighborhoods that compete with each other in terms of jobs, floats, pyrotechnics, music, etc. 

Ramírez, I. S. (2000). Las festividades asturianas y las celebraciones del ejército español en Cuba durante el período de las guerras independentistas (1868-1898). Militaria: revista de cultura militar, (14), 209-244.


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About the authors

María José Olivera: 23 years old, never been to Cuba but I would really enjoy going, I consider myself someone who enjoys adventures and learning about different places is my passion, I study clinical and organizational psychology in Puebla. I was born and raised in Veracruz, México. Paola León Levet: 22 years old. I have never been to Cuba and I’m really interested in traveling there someday. That’s why I’m a person who loves to know about new cultures and traditions. When an unknown place interests me is because I know that has a lot of gastronomy, tourism and the weather is nice. I study nursing in Puebla. Maisara Calderón Bachbush I study hotels and restaurants in Puebla, I love to cook and travel to taste different flavors and to know people, I am shy to talk in public, and I was born in Mexico City, I am interested to travel to Cuba because I have tried their food and a friend that already went told me that was a really interesting place, the people are friendly and

7 Cultural points of Cuba

#1 Cuba is called El Caiman or El Cocodrilo (alligator), because of what looks like from an aerial view. #2 Grade school is mandatory for every child in Cuba between the ages of 6 and 15 and the uniforms are from different colors depending on each grade level. #3 Cuba is the most populated country in the Caribbean with more than 11 million residents. #4 Cubans pass their recipes down from generation to generation. #5 Dance is very important in Cuba, is the birthplace of classic dance styles like the Bolero, Mambo, Son, and Cha Cha. #6 Cuba is the highest literacy rate with 99.8% in the world. #7 The only cars that Cuban citizens can own legally are cars created and bought before 1959. References:  Oishimaya Sen Nag. (2018). The Culture Of Cuba. 2019, de Word atlas. Recuperado de: Brief history of Cuba. (2014, 24 marzo). Recuperado marzo, 2019, de