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Non-verbal communication

The face is considered the mirror soul.

In Cuba, some gestures like cover your mouth with your hand, or touching your nose or also pull your shirt or rubbing your eyes are considered like you are saying a lie or you are a false person.

The way you look someone is considered super important because they think that with the expresión of the eyes you could fall in love, they also think that when you have eyes wide open you express surprise or admiration and when your eyes are a Little bit close you are reflecting that you are disagree, they also say that when they are talking to you and you look at them and stare into the eyes you are a trustworthy person and when someone looks down when you are talking is reflecting guilt and he also could be unreliable.

Hands are very important to them because they think that hands talk, they consider that when palms are open and looking up they are transmitting honesty and when you have the hands closed or you point something you are dominant and aggressive.

When you shake strong hands you are secure and sometimes they consider that when you put your hands on your head, in the waist or on the table you are negative and conflictive.

When you put your hands inside your pockets and leave your thumbs out you are demonstrating superiority, supremacy, and certainty, also Joining the fingertips is considered to have a high degree of confidence.

taking pictures of cops is a crime and you can end up in jail

speak bad of Fidel Castro, the Cuban revolution or some event of this country with some Cuban is frowned upon and they are forbidden to speak of the government in public

blowing your nose in public is rude, you should go to a private place like the bathroom to do it

they treat everyone equally regardless of their skin color


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Symbols, numbers, superstitions, food, etc.

NATIONAL FLOWER: MARIPOSA The scientific name is Hedychium coronarium, of the family of the Zingiberaceae. Original from Vietnam. It is a beautiful white flower, one and a half meters high. Because of it, color is relational with purity and peace. It was used as a sort of key among the women who participated in the liberation wars of the 19th century. The butterfly is also a symbol of delicacy, grace, and slenderness of the Cuban woman. NATIONAL BIRD: THE TOCORORO This bird has on him the three colors of the flag. it does not survive the captivity It is located mainly in the Sierra de Los Órganos, Ciénaga de Zapata, Escambray, mountainous complex of the Sierra Maestra, and Isla de la Juventud. It prefers forests of all kinds, and also pine forests. It is also called “Guatani” NATIONAL TREE: THE ROYAL PALM Known by all Cubans as the queen of our fields, for the majesty of its structure, its peculiar size, its strength, usefulness and for being the most numerous

About the authors

María José Olivera: 23 years old, never been to Cuba but I would really enjoy going, I consider myself someone who enjoys adventures and learning about different places is my passion, I study clinical and organizational psychology in Puebla. I was born and raised in Veracruz, México. Paola León Levet: 22 years old. I have never been to Cuba and I’m really interested in traveling there someday. That’s why I’m a person who loves to know about new cultures and traditions. When an unknown place interests me is because I know that has a lot of gastronomy, tourism and the weather is nice. I study nursing in Puebla. Maisara Calderón Bachbush I study hotels and restaurants in Puebla, I love to cook and travel to taste different flavors and to know people, I am shy to talk in public, and I was born in Mexico City, I am interested to travel to Cuba because I have tried their food and a friend that already went told me that was a really interesting place, the people are friendly and